A View of Santhigiri Ashram

A View of Santhigiri Ashram
Lotus Parnasala and Sahakarana Mandiram , Santhigiri Ashram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Words of Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru


Guru Tradition’s Sacred Offering to Brahman

There was a time when the world had no awareness about the Brahmic Will or the glory of God. It does not mean that this awareness is perfect even at present. Except that the opportunity to do the things as revealed from Brahman in the respective ages, the world had not been able to absorb that knowledge. It was during (the past) six Manu cycles (Manvantara) and in the three chaturyugas (the four-fold cosmic ages - satya, treta, dwapara and kali - of the present seventh Manu cycle) that the complete awareness about the Will of Brahman did exist. Satyatrana was the great soul who had come at the end of the third chaturyuga. Even though he knew that he was the heir to the Brahmic Will, he was not revealed the secret of his own life fully until the end. I am mentioning about the matter which has been revealed in my experience. I do not know whether there is something beyond.

A Manvantara is the sankalpam of the Saptarishis (seven primal rishis). In that sankalpam a solar system is being created. There are nine planets, which have form and are suitable for the principle of evolution. The quality of Rahu and Ketu has never been determined. These planets remaining as twelve constellations (raasi) give twelve effects. In that, it is not known what effects Rahu and Ketu give. However, for everything an ordained nature is mentioned. Some perfection is seen for these two. The Saptarishis gave the sankalpam for the creation of a solar system in the measure of 9 planets, 12 constellations and 27 stars. There are some people who describe it as seven mandalas scientifically as well as by some other experiences. These seven mandalas have form and characteristics. However, Rahu and Ketu, while they revolve, sometimes travel off the path. So we should not expect to receive their perfect result because the time difference during the revolution of a twelve-year cycle cannot be determined by anybody. That means their movement is not regular. They move in a rhythm that cannot be determined.

There is a measure of Brahmic Light in the rotation of the solar system. Its influence might have effect here and there, but it will not go beyond this mandala. If the difference of a moment occurs in this rotation, error will happen up to the yaama calculation. It cannot be determined perfectly. However, there are seconds, minutes, naazhika (24 minutes), vinaazhika (60/1 of a naazhika) and up to very minuscule truti in our measurements. Whatever calculations are there, no mistake should happen in the ‘magnificence’ born out of the sankalpam of the Saptarishis. That is the way of truth. That is the human life. There are sandhis (the transition time) in between Manvantaras, Chaturyugas, Yugas and Yaamas. Sandhya Vandanam (the prayers at morning, noon and evening) are being done in order to sanctify the yaama sandhis. There are people who remain awake in the three yaamas or maximum in the five yaamas. However, we have been given prayer times in all the eight yaama sandhis.

There is the calculation that there are five Gurus for a Yuga. These Gurus give us the calculation of Sandhya Vandanam and the awareness about the age. However, we cannot say how many mahatmas come in the Yuga sandhi. In the (cycle of) four yugas, what is made known to us is the Will of Brahman. If a mistake happens in the Yuga Dharma at any time, it is not possible to redeem it. A lot of effort is required for that. The lives of mahatmas and their words prove it.

In the awareness of Satyatrana who uttered the chaturvakyas (the four Vedic enunciations equating individual soul with Brahman, like Aham Bramasmi, Tatvamasi etc.) the pundits and ignorant fell down in the ditch in a manner that makes the identification of ages impossible. The truth that can be seen, if we evaluate the bygone twenty-five chaturyugas, is this. Our subject is the revelation about where the mistake occurred in this truth. As a proof that this error occurred, we have in front of us the lives that have come across thousands of obstacles - the life of a human, pitru, deva, rishi and sanyasi. Among these lives, understanding what is the life of a muni (sage), a rishi (seer) and a deva, understanding as well what is the life of a rishi who is below the deva - the path of guidance of the rishi who exists above the deva is the truth upheld through the expressions of the rishis

There was a time when I was unable to know anything about this truth. It was at Varkala the karma-kushalata (spiritual dexterity) was achieved by way of revelation that from which (mandala) this truth exists, higher than the Trimurti tradition. That period was a time of physical and mental persecutions. It is impossible to count and express it or say exhaustively what all types of persecution were there. I am indebted to the Will of Brahman that made me redeem this. The life of mahatmas was unable to establish what is right and what is wrong in the Manu Parampara and how to redeem it. 

Six Manvantaras have gone by. For every Manvantara there are 71 chaturyugas. That is the calculation. There are four yugas (satya, treta, dwapara and kali) in a chaturyuga. The reckoning is that there are five Gurus for the redemption for every yuga. The shortest among the yugas is the Kali Yuga. There are 432,000 years for this alone. Dwapara has double the years of Kali Yuga. A Dwapara and Kali Yuga add up to the duration of a Treta Yuga. Treta Yuga plus a Kali Yuga equals the time of Krita (or Satya) Yuga. According to the rate of reckoning that (there are) five Gurus for every Yuga, after how many millions of years, the epoch from the birth of Sri Rama to the birth of Sri Krishna has come! 

Prior to the beginning of the Kali Yuga, it was Sri Krishna who was born as a Mahatma, who knew perfectly the dharma of Kali Yuga. It has been determined by Manu that the fourth age Kali belongs to the Sudra class. That means Kali Yuga is the ordained age for the Sudra wherein he has the complete right to Brahmajnana (spiritual realization), understanding fully all subjects related to the administration (of the nation) and making others administer, in the fourth age (Kali Yuga). It is as an example that Krishna was born in the Yadava clan (a backward community).

The original sin (or error) occurred 25 chaturyugas ago. The rishi by the name Satyatrana, when he pondered  over the Truth in order to value it, and when he thought about himself and evaluated the fundamental Truth that has come by way of Manvantaras and Chaturyugas, a great slip occurred - and it was mentioned earlier that the saying ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ ( I am God) happened as a consequence of it. When this (error) was perfected by the Chaturvakyas in the subsequent ages, what came about was not conceptual perfection but lexical perfection. That is the mistake being perpetuated through the (past) 25 Chaturyugas. Gurukula Brahma Niveditam is a karma (path of action) for correcting that mistake and to bring about the conceptual perfection.  (Translated from the original Malayalam by Mukundan p.r.)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Forgotten History of Manu Parampara

What is the basis of Hinduism? Is it based on Manu Parampara or Trimurty System? This was the question asked by Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru, whose life mission was to enlighten not only the Hindus but also the whole humanity about the existence of a spiritual governance that is God’s alone. The Puranic tradition or the Trimurty tradition mentions that Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the authorities of creation. The Vaishnavites claim that Vishnu is the Creator; the Saivites say it is Siva while the Sakteyas say it is the Goddess. There are yet others like Ganapathyas and Sauravas who assign Ganapati and Surya as the source of creation. There is also the cult of Krishna, which finds the origin of creation from Krishna. Either all of them are correct or all of them are wrong. Let us respect all of them. Our inquiry is to know whether there is a universally acceptable view in Hinduism about the origin of man and the universe. 

A cow is born from a cow, an elephant from an elephant. Then from whom did the first human originate? It must obviously be from a self-same archetype. That human archetype is Manu, the first projection of God from whom evolved the concept of the solar system and the human life in it. Therefore, Manu is the Creator of the human universe, the first Preceptor, the Adi Guru, the Adam of humanity. All human beings are the self-same image of Manu, the cosmic human archetype. The scriptures have also mentioned that Manu is our ancient most Father. There is no doubt that the name ‘Manushya’, ‘Manav’ and ‘Man’ in English originated from Manu. The origin of the Guru concept is also from Manu. It has been mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas that God’s foremost creation was the sages, from whom the tradition of Guru-Sishya parampara originated.   

All religions in the world originated from the work and sankalpam of gurus and sages. Therefore, the spiritual administration of the world is in the hands of the gurus in the Manuparamapara. That was the original spiritual administration in the world. Then man sinned against God. In the third chaturyuga (chaturyuga is a cluster of satya, treta, dwapara and kali ages) of the present Vaivaswata Manu, an error happened to a great preceptor in the Manu parampara, who declared that ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ – I am God. As a result, a curse fell from Brahman. ‘May the memory of Manu be lost to humanity.’ 

The world was sunk into darkness as a result of this curse. The memory of Manu was erased and the spiritual administration of the Manu Parampara did not work any longer. Long ages passed without the radiance of Brahman. Then the sages prayed for light sitting in solitary forests and mountain caves. The knowledge they received was codified as the Vedas. Compassionate to the earnest prayers of the sages, Brahman initiated a correction for another spiritual medium for the sake of humanity. He empowered three spiritual entities - Brahma, Vishnu and Siva as the medium of spiritual realization to compensate for the eclipse of Manu Parampara. This happened in the seventh chaturyuga. Subsequently, for long ages, the trimurty system prevailed in the world. The tradition of worshipping gods and goddesses prevailed not only in India but also in all other civilizations. The mythology of gods in ancient civilizations like Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greek, Roman, etc. is a proof for this. 

Trimurty system worked well from the seventh to twelfth chaturyuga. Now we are in the Kaliyuga of the 28th chaturyuga of this Manu cycle. There are 71 chaturyugas in a Manu cycle. This is the seventh Manu cycle in the Manvantara order. The time of fourteen Manus constitutes a kalpa, a cosmic age of the Supreme, after which the created world is dissolved and a fresh one starts. In each yuga there would be four kaalanthara gurus and a sandhi guru (example Krishna, who came in between dwapara and kali yuga) for the spiritual guidance of mankind. Various other gurus come under these kaalanthara gurus for different durations like 5000, 2500, 1500, 1000 or 500 years. This is the spiritual administration of the Manvantara order or Manu Parampara. 

The Trimurty system repeated the same mistake that had happened earlier to the Manu Parampara, i.e. equating what God created as God Himself, of equating the Trimurty gods with Brahman. Nothing is equal to Brahman, as everything is only a part of it, said Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru. Brahman has once again initiated a correction in this Kali yuga in order to bring back the lost spiritual regime of the Manu Parampara through the medium of Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru. The history of Santhigiri Ashram constitutes these divine revelations. From the commencement of this Kaliyuga, God had sent 2444 mahatmas to initiate this spiritual process. However, these truths had not been made known to them as they had been sent only to prepare the ground for the arrival of the great Mahatma, Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru for initiating a great spiritual awakening. It is the commencement of a new spiritual age.  These truths about the Manu Parampara have never been revealed to anybody before. Therefore, it is a new beginning. 

We have not yet transcended the mythical hangovers of bygone eras and evolved into the dharma of Kali yuga. We are not yet ready to evaluate the rights and wrongs in our long spiritual history. One should not blame anyone for this, because we are only in the dawn of a new yuga. The darkness of the previous ages is still lingering in the air. If we examine the history of our country after the time of Sri Krishna and Sri Buddha, we can observe that we have not been physically and spiritually uplifted. We can see the picture of a glorious nation tumbling down to the pits of disgrace, disintegration, dishonor and penury.  It is the time for India to resurrect itself and to lead the world spiritually. The Brahmic Will to restore the spiritual administration of the Manu Parampara has to be fulfilled. Let no man dishonor it. All people irrespective of caste, religion, language and region have a place in it.  

Mukundan P.R.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Spiritual Governance of India

The problem of corruption and lack of sincerity and truthfulness in public life has reached a situation of social turmoil. People are distressed, disappointed and angry. The time for a great social and spiritual renaissance has come. We cannot move forward without a philosophy of peace and spiritual values. Although India is rich in resources, the majority of our people, especially those in the villages remain poor and unhappy. More than six decades of democratic and socialistic rule has not been helpful to bring the fruits of development to the doorsteps of the poor, which shows the lacuna in a political system, which is cut off from India’s spiritual character. 

We have several honest politicians, but a good number of politicians are involved in corruption. Most of them see politics as a means for making money and gaining access to power and status. They forget that they are accountable to the nation and the people. Some Scams reveal huge losses to the exchequer. Influenced by bribe and pressure from the political bosses as well as big Corporations inside and outside the country, they compromise not only the interests of the nation but also the question of national security. 

India is a nation of great sages and rishis. They built up the culture of India on truth and dharma. In the olden times, the realized rishis and sages gave guidance to the rulers. However, there is no scope for spiritual intervention in a democratic set up in the name of secularism. In the absence of a spiritual authority to evaluate the rights and wrongs of the rulers, the democratic system has given shelter to a breed of most corrupt politicians and bureaucracy. 

Today, like most other countries, India is guided by the principles of capitalism and socialism. There is no place for dharma or spiritual values in these political ideologies which we have blindly swallowed aping the West. Of course, these ideologies promote freedom and the rights of individuals and the idea of nationhood. However, they have failed to generate peace, spiritual values and equality in the society. 

The lesson we learn from this is that no ideology without a spiritual base can lead humanity towards peace and prosperity. We need to nurture an alternative spiritual model of governance based on the tolerant spiritual vision of the rishis. The politicians as well as others always invoke the tolerant character of India without acknowledging and respecting its source, the Sanatana Dharma, which the rishis and the sages of this country and the people of India cultivated from time immemorial. 

However, the spiritual vision of the rishis needs to be rediscovered and reinterpreted. Just like we separate grain from the chaff, it has to be separated from the ritualistic tradition that promotes the plurality of gods and a caste based society through the puranic literature. Only then, the idea of an all-inclusive, socially and spiritually unifying system of spiritual governance can become a reality. 

 Mukundan P.R.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Birth Pain of a New Age

Gurucharanam Saranam
The Birth Pain of a New Age
 Mukundan P.R.

The great Kaalanthara Guru Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru left His physical vestige in the year 1999 at the age of 72 years. However, Guru's guidance continues through Guru's foremost disciple Her Holiness Sishyapoojita Amrita Jnana Tapaswini. It makes her a repository of rare spiritual visions and an authority on the past, present and future. She knows through her inner eyes the status of all individuals. In this age, our spiritual transition can take place only through a Guru-Disciple spiritual order. It involves the question of transcending (not abandoning) the old beliefs and rituals through the medium of a trikala jnani Guru, whose vision upholds the cosmology of the Manuparampara.
There was a time when the spiritual administration of the devas worked well, but in the Kali yuga, the authority of devas recedes. Siva, Vishnu and Brahma were great preceptors in the bygone cosmic ages. However, their spiritual incumbency in this age will not be accepted, if we go by the concept of yuga dharma. For every yuga, there is a spiritual authority, like Sri Ram in Treta yuga and Sri Krishna who came in Dwapara yuga in the order of spiritual succession after the age of Sri Ram. Kali yuga has its own spiritual dispensation. The duration of Kaliyuga is 4,32,000 years. Now it is not even the dawn of Kaliyuga, as it has begun only about 5200 years ago. We are undergoing the birth pain of a new age. The spiritual churning we undergo heralds a golden era of spiritual renaissance.
Generally, the puranas mention that Kaliyuga is bad. Kaliyuga is not bad; Kaliyuga is a spiritually evolving age, because it leads us to the all-glorious satya yuga. Human civilization reaches maximum spiritual perfection in Kaliyuga through highly enlightened gurus. We cannot abandon our age-old tradition all of a sudden. It cannot be abandoned that way and it should not be. Before abandoning something, one should first hold on to something else. We can transcend the old tradition only by following a trikala jnani Guru who has surpassed the deva stage. The deities our ancestors and we had worshiped influence us. This debt can be repaid only through a Guru in the Manuparampara who has transcended the deva stage. Sri Krishna was such a Guru. Through him, we had a chance, but his spiritual incumbency ended with Dwapara Yuga. We have to be guided by the spiritual authority of this age. This is the actual meaning of yuga dharma.
The spiritual incumbency of gurus varies. A few gurus come for a period of 5000 years, some for 2000 years (like Jesus Christ), some for 1500 (like Prophet Mohammad) and some for 500 years. There would be five gurus in a yuga -four kaalaanthara gurus and a sandhi or transitional guru. The spiritual reign of these gurus would last for thousands of years. The process of spiritual transition in line with the requirement of kali yuga had begun from the time of Sri Krishna itself. After that, Buddha and Mahavira came and several other mahatmas but the orthodoxy stood in the way. The egalitarian teachings of Buddha shook India from its spiritual slumber and it was the golden period India.
Again, India went back to its decadent tradition through the spiritual revival brought about by Sri Sankara. Sankara was a great sage indeed, but he tied himself to the orthodox tradition, which stifled the spiritual renaissance brought about by Buddha and Mahavira. In fact, the Mahabharata war was a war between the sage tradition and the orthodox tradition. Krishna said, ‘abandon all your traditional beliefs and accept my word’. Sri Krishna was the Guru of that age and the old tradition resisted him in the form of opposing forces, which resulted in the Mahabharata war. Although, the story says it was a war between Pandavas and Kauravas, we can take it as the battle of Krishna against the orthodoxy.
Then Almighty God sent the Buddha, Mahavir and several other sages to redeem and rebuild the spiritual edifice of India. We all know how Buddhism and Jainism could not take roots here. Almighty God sent messengers in other parts of the world. Many religions originated outside India subsequent to the spiritual degradation of India, most of which taught an unripe and dogmatic theology in comparison with the tolerant vision of Sanatana Dharma. In the subsequent ages, India suffered socially, economically and politically in the hands of foreign conquerors. For more than thousand years, India remained slave to outside forces. If India had not deviated from the principles of Sanatana Dharma, India would have been still the unquestioned spiritual leader in the world. India can be united only through an ideology that transcends all sectarian ideologies under the leadership of a divinely commissioned Guru. And India is presently blessed with such a kaalanthara Guru. Our duty is to find out the truth of it. 
Hindus generally take the Manu as the author of Manusmriti or as the Manu, who came after the great deluge a few thousand years ago.  However, the Manu in question here is the first cosmic emanation from the Brahman, not the earthly Manus. The Christians and Muslims have no idea about Adam just like Hindus who have no idea about Manu and Manuparampara as the history of Manu parampara has been long lost to humanity due to the spiritual error of a great preceptor in the Manu parampara. It forms part of the great revelations of Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru. Only the cosmology of Manu can unite not only all sects in Hinduism, but all other religions as well. Madam Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophical Society mentioned that the Adam of Semitic religion originated from the Sanskrit word 'Adi' which means the first born of God (the Manu), differently mentioned in the Vedas and puranas as the Purusha, Hiranya Garbha etc. 
Almighty tried to correct the error through the trimurty tradition, but it succumbed to the very error. The trimurty began to be equated with Brahman; that was the error. The origin of trimurty tradition is in the seventh chaturyuga of the present Manvantara millions of years ago according to the revelations received in Santhigiri Ashram. It worked well up to the 12th chaturyuga. We are now living in the 28th chaturyuga of the present Manu. It is the fortune of India that Brahman has initiated a correction again in this Kali yuga through Navajyotisri Karunakara Guru. Kali yuga has a uniqueness, it is an age of spiritual correction in order to prepare humanity for the transition to satya yuga, the golden age after Kali yuga. Those who followed the path of the Kaalaanthara Guru in the Kaliyuga and attained perfection would be born as the spiritual authorities of the succeeding yugas. The knowledge about all this can be known only through the Guru-Disciple relationship. Otherwise, it would be only a fiction to the uninitiated. 
Getting a real Guru is due to the punya of several births. In Indian tradition, we do not force anyone to accept a Guru nor does a Guru accept a disciple in that way. This great land of rishis is suffering because we dishonored the guidance of our sages.  We Indians do respect gurus, but those belonging to the sects you are fond of or have allegiance to. We have this tradition that there are separate gurus and gods for separate castes and religions. There is no meaning if your god is different from my god and your guru is different from my guru. God and Gurus are the wealth of whole humanity. We eulogize this hopeless spiritual disunity as ‘unity in diversity’. We try to find solace in such slogans when we are helpless and ignorant about the causes of such spiritual anarchy. Our leaders often invoke this slogan because they are unable to reconcile the caste, religious and sectarian differences.
The concept of dharma is universal. If dharma is universal, its expressions too should be uniform. Dharma is not like language, food, cloth and geography that change from region to region and from people to people. The differences occurred because of the ignorance about the way of universal spiritual administration, which was revealed to the sages at the dawn of human civilization. Sanatana Dharma is that eternal spiritual order. Eventually science would prove the correctness of this cosmology, i.e. how the solar system originated through that Cosmic Intelligence and how human civilization is evolved through the spiritual intercession of sages. It is scientific. It lost its sanctity when sectarian ideologies crept into it. The principles of Sanatana Dharma were compromised for the triumph of a sectarian ideology, which has caused the spiritual debacle of India. Only under the umbrella of an omniscient Guru parampara, India can find unity, peace and prosperity.
It is a difficult subject to understand and assimilate even though it is very simple, because of the long ages of cultural conditioning. The veil over it is so thick that it would probably take many years for us to respect and assimilate it. The re-establishment of the spiritual order of Manus and Manuparampara is very crucial for the survival of Sanatana Dharma. It is the solemn hope of a new spiritual revival for humanity.